
NANCY DILLEN Retrospective

Detail, TREE TRAILS  by Nancy Baur Dillen


One of my fave area artists is NANCY BAUR DILLEN. When you first meet her, you’ll experience someone with quiet confidence. But take a look at her art and you sense a soul exploding with intense imagination.

“TOE KISS” by Nancy Dillen

Indeed, her art breathes with color and technique and invites you to take a whimsical ride that always excites, no matter how many times you may have viewed it.

See for yourself in “Visual Poems: Paintings by Nancy Dillen,” a mini-retrospective of Nancy’s works. It is on view through March 15, 2019 in the Garden House Welcome Center at the Harry P. Leu Gardens in Orlando.

The exhibit comprises 17 works  from her celebrated series known as “Water Circus,” “Woodchuck” and “Other Landscapes.”

A little background on Nancy Baur Dillen:

Born and raised in Quincy, FL, she is the art professor emeritus from Eastern Florida and helped create the college’s vibrant art program. She has an M.A. in Art Education from FSU. She’s been a part of The Ten Women In Art collective and shown throughout the country and in Canada, with many works in public and private collections. Read more about her by clicking here. Read more about the exhibit by clicking here.