By PAM HARBAUGH Bored by the same old roast beef sandwich? Do not be afraid of drama…go see “The Price” at Melbourne Civic Theatre, then go to Meg’s or something nearby and discuss. Who knows where all that intellectual stimulation will lead? There’s also jazz and classical tonight, ballet tomorrow, new...
Tag Archives: Brevard Ballet Academy
Elena Shokhina rehearses Alexsey Kuznetsov and Maggie Hvizdo for a performance with the Brevard Ballet Academy. Photo by Scottwood Ivers. By PAM HARBAUGH A relatively new ballet company makes its second year appearance Saturday evening when the BREVARD BALLET ACADEMY presents “The Classical Ballet Celebration: Dancing for Love.” The production is...
Cultural Traditions Enhance Holidays
The Brevard Ballet Academy under the direction of Elena Shokhina. Photo by Kevin Roberts. By PAM HARBAUGH Making wonderful memories is important all the time, but especially so during the holidays. And there’s no better provider of golden memories than Brevard’s cultural community. There are just so many wonderful offerings right...